Friday, August 29, 2014

4 sleeps and a wake up!

I'm so looking forward to the first day of school. Eighth grade is going to prove to be incredibly interesting, challenging and all-around I think fun.

Vincent and Ryan I believe are raring to go, however, some of their bad summer habits are going to have to come to an abrupt halt.

The schoolroom is almost done- I just need to put together a table and a bookcase. I've given the boys carte blanche in the wall decorations as long as they're appropriate and not distracting- i.e.. no boobs.

Ikea supplied us with some pretty cool office chairs and I ordered a 6 foot bean bag for the boys to sit on when they're watching films for class.

School begins later this year and I think I'm okay with that.

Let's see how enthusiastic I am come June!!